Welcome to FC 101

Welcome to Friendship 101.  This short, online course will help you understand what you need to know about Friendship Church, how to get involved, how to become a member and much more!  We've made Friendship 101 an online option so you can move through the course at your own speed and in your own time.

To get started, first, download the Friendship 101 course PDF.  The PDF guide contains info you'll need to know with additional resources you can access. Once you've done that, just scroll down this page and walk through each step.  Enjoy!

step 1: Watch this video


STEP 2: Register

You can automatically put yourself, your spouse, and your children in our system.  This will allow you to get email updates, serve, attend events, and check-in your kids each Sunday.  

If you've registered in the past, then skip this step. 

If you have not registered, then just click here

or you can also text FCregister to 970-00.

step 3: Watch this video


STEP 4: A step of faith

Do you want to talk with one of our staff members about salvation?  Do you have questions about believing in and following Jesus?  

We're here to help you!  Just click here.

Do you need to get baptized or baptized again?  

Do you have questions about baptism.  

Again, we're here to help!  Just click here.

step 5: watch this video


STEP 6: Join a serving team

We have numerous serving options at Friendship Church, and the best way to get involved at FC is to join a serving team.  To see the current serving opportunities and signup, just click here. Or, text FCserve to 970-00.

Step 7: Watch this video


Step 8: Get started with giving

Financial giving to God's church reflects the heartbeat of God himself.  We have numerous ways to financially give at FC.  

To get started with giving, click here. Also, refer to the Giving section of the 101 PDF for more instructions and info.  FC is a non-profit corporation.  

Your financial gifts are tax deductible.

step 9: watch this video


Step 10: Become a member

To finalize membership at Friendship Church, complete the membership covenant form below. Once you do, a staff member will contact you via phone or email to see if you have any additional questions.  

Thank you and we're so glad you're a part of FC!

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